Have you ever wondered how sleep deprivation causes weight gain? You might be surprised to find out that it’s an actual cause. Many people go through life never even realizing the amount of sleep they actually get each night. Sleep deprivation actually causes weight gain and that’s not a good thing.
How to recognize the symptoms of sleep deprivation
Even worse, many people don’t even recognize the symptoms of sleep deprivation or think they are occasional occurrences. There are times when we know we are lacking sleep, but we don’t put a lot of thought into it, simply because we think we can “catch up” later.
When you do not sleep well, your body tries to compensate for that fact by slowing down. You can’t do much in your life during those few hours of darkness, so your metabolism slows down and calories are burned off as the brain tries to make up for the lack of energy.
If you haven’t been getting enough sleep, this process can work against you. The more you overeat in the day, the less likely it is that you’ll be able to stay on track and keep off the extra weight.
Common sleep deprivation symptoms
One of the most common sleep deprivation symptoms is irritability, which means that you’re likely to be moody and have trouble controlling your emotions. This is due to the fact that the amount of sleep you get each night is reduced, so your body adjusts to the situation.
It is not uncommon for someone to get depressed while trying to sleep. People who suffer from sleep deprivation tend to feel irritable during the day, as well as unable to concentrate.
Some people may experience memory loss and confusion, and feel as if they cannot control their reactions. All of these symptoms make it difficult for someone to live a normal and happy life and can lead to weight gain.
Does a lack of sleep cause weight gain?
In reality, does a lack of sleep cause weight gain? In addition to the mental effects of lack of sleep, physical effects can also occur. If you’re sleeping less than usual, you can become more prone to illness.
It’s not unusual for weight gain to result from being unable to heal properly after a lengthy illness. People who have serious health issues are much more likely to suffer from sleep deprivation, and may even end up hospitalized.
Not getting enough sleep can also affect your health. If you’re lacking enough sleep you will find that you are more likely to gain weight, feel run down and fatigued, and have trouble concentrating. Lack of sleep affects the way your brain processes information and determines your mood. If you are suffering from deprivation of sleep, you will find that you’re much more likely to be frustrated and moody, and not have the energy to work properly.
Another physical effect of sleep deprivation is that you’re more likely to snore excessively. If you are suffering from sleep deprivation, you may be inclined to snore throughout the night, waking up exhausted each time. This can also increase the risk of heart disease and hypertension.
Your sleep deprivation could also lead to digestive complications such as irritable bowel syndrome and night sweats. It’s important that if you’re suffering from these symptoms that you see a doctor as soon as possible, as they may be a sign of a larger problem.
Sleep deprivation and weight gain study

The effects of sleep deprivation cause weight gain to go hand in hand. Although the reasons behind your weight gain may not be due to sleep problems, lack of sleep can make you feel tired throughout the day.
As a result, you’re unable to concentrate on the tasks at hand and are more likely to simply stay awake during the day. Epidemiological studies have shown that insufficient sleep is directly or indirectly associated with a higher risk of obesity
Being fatigued can also cause you to snack during the day, which can lead to further weight gain. By comparison, if you get a lot of sleep at night, you’ll be able to focus better, and you won’t be tempted to snack throughout the day.
Sleep disorders and weight gain
In some cases, lack of sleep can actually be beneficial. For instance, if you’re suffering from chronic insomnia and it has resulted in severe depression, lack of sleep could actually benefit you by allowing you to enter into a state of hibernation. Sleep disorders and weight gain is a sign of something wrong that needs to be corrected.
When you’re in this state, you’re not stressed out as much, and your immune system functions more effectively. This means that you’re more likely to ward off illnesses.
On the other hand, if you’re simply not getting enough sleep, you might find yourself moody and irritable, with poor concentration and memory. If you’re feeling depressed or unhealthy because of a sleep shortage, see a medical professional immediately.
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