Sleep deprivation is a serious health concern for the elderly, as it negatively affects their physical and mental well-being. When a person fails to get enough sleep, it is like putting out a burning fire. The patient’s body does not rest but suffers from tiredness, irritability, reduced performance, and depression.
Consequences of lack of sleep in elderly
The consequences of a lack of sleep in elderly people can be many. Studies show that sleep deprivation can lead to heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, cataracts, stroke, and obesity. Even accidents and injuries occur due to sleep deprivation. For this reason, it is extremely important that sleep is obtained by our elders.
The number of elderly people is expected to double in the next 10 years, which means an increase in the number of seniors who are affected by sleep problems. Elderly people tend to be more sensitive to changes in their environment, and even minor changes such as moving into a new home or moving to another assisted living facility are enough to affect their sleep.
Natural sleep remedies for elderly
Although there are medications that can help senior citizens feel good about getting enough sleep, these medications may only mask the symptoms of sleep deprivation. It is recommended that you make changes in the senior’s lifestyle that would lead to better sleeping habits, for better health.
Natural sleep remedies for the elderly generally work best and give better results. Here are some tips on how to give your elderly loved ones a better night’s sleep:
– Make sure that your elder has regular bedtimes and wakes up at the same time each day. If possible, schedule your sleep times so that they mirror your elder’s natural sleeping pattern. This will eliminate the need for artificial aids such as pillows, blankets, or rocking chairs.
Your elder will already have a good sleeping habit established in his day-to-day life, and if you make it consistent, he would likely not need additional aids to fall asleep.
– If possible, let your senior citizens stay in their beds during the day. Since most people sleep better and remain alert if they are comfortable and able to move around, it is healthier for them to rest in their beds at night. Doing this also helps prevent them from becoming lethargic during the late afternoons or mornings.
Sleep problems in elderly with dementia
– Encourage them to take short naps during the day. This is another way to combat sleep deprivation in the elderly. Since they tend to spend the majority of their time sleeping, short naps allow them to refresh themselves and re-energize. Studies have shown that even moderate sleepiness caused by stress or depression can worsen the onset of dementia in elders over time.

Sleep disturbance can affect up to 25% of people with mild to moderate state of dementia and 50% of people with more severe dementia. Sleep disturbances usually get worse as dementia progresses in severity.
– Set up a sleep coordinator for your elder. This is a registered nurse or other medical professionals who are specially trained to monitor the senior citizen’s sleep patterns. If the senior feels he is not getting enough sleep, then he should be monitored for a few days to see if he experiences changes in behavior and routine. This is a great way to identify possible dementia and the earlier you can detect it, the better for the senior.
Elderly not sleeping at night
– Keep the senior in a familiar room during the day. This is one of the best ways to induce sleep in your elderly. It will allow him to become acclimated to his surroundings during his time in nursing homes. This will also avoid the withdrawal effect of familiarity that can sometimes result from drastic changes in his environment. With and elderly not sleeping at night, the change can affect his judgment and he may be more prone to accidents and injuries.
In conclusion, there is no need to panic when you find that one of your elderly has been experiencing sleep deprivation. In most cases, the symptoms are mild and will only last for a few days. The key to treating sleep deprivation in the elderly is to recognize the signs and do something about them.
Elderly people are at high risk for developing dementia because they are usually more susceptible to Alzheimer’s disease. Keeping them comfortable and making sure that they feel safe and loved, can go a long way toward preventing the onset of serious problems like dementia.
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