What is the best treatment for lower back pain? If you suffer from lower back pain, know that you are not alone. It is a very common problem and affects almost everybody at some point in their lives. The back pain problem can be acute or chronic. The chronic one can last a lifetime and is long-term persistent pain.
On the other hand, acute is a sudden sharp pain that can last up to three months at a time. In any case, you want some relief from the pain and you ready to do whatever is necessary to achieve it. So what is the best treatment for lower back pain?
Before we begin, it is essential that we take a moment to find the cause of the pain. Since lower back pain is usually described as a sudden, sharp, persistent pain that you feel below the waist then we can infer that it is caused by muscle strain from some kind of strenuous activity, heavy work, bending, twisting, a forceful movement, awkward position, lifting, etc. Otherwise, it can also be caused by spinal infection, arthritis, spinal tumours and vertebral fractures.
Lower back pain and treatment – The best treatment for back pain
Many people can eliminate their back without undergoing surgery. The number one way to ease the pain is through exercise and physical therapy. It is absolutely essential to do stretching, strengthening and exercises to modify your posture, since they are the safest and most effective method to deal with back problems.
Incorrect muscle alignment is one of the causes of lower back pain problems, therefore doing the proper stretching and strengthening exercises will vastly improve the strength and flexibility of the back muscles, which at the same time reduces the pressure from the spine and related joints and reduce the pain.
Having said that about exercises, you have to know the kind of exercises to do and how to do them correctly without making the situation worse. The only way to do the exercises correctly is to get instructions from a certified therapist or expert in the field. It is the only way to know for sure that you are heading in the right direction and the exercises you are doing are going to help ease the pain of the lower back and let you leave a normal and productive life.
Natural remedies for back pain and inflammation
As already stated, back pain is very common these days and most adults are experiencing the problem some way or another. Another thing that can cause back problems is an injury to ligaments, tendons, muscles and bones due to non-stop movement of the back that causes acute back pain.
Also sometimes, it happens for no particular reason. Pregnant women will have back pain as well as men with large protruding bellies. These conditions obviously put a lot of stress on the back resulting in lower back pain. Nutritional deficiency and muscle tension can also be the cause of back pain. So what are the natural remedies for back pain and inflammation?
It can be quite tempting to resort to regular pain relief drugs to alleviate the pain, however, natural remedies are a much better alternative to relieve the pain. There are some items easily find at home that can help you with lower back pain.
Stress is very bad for you and can leave the muscle tense and fatigued. Try and drink some chamomile tea (up to 3 cups) during the day to soothe the muscles and mind.
Take a bath with Epsom salt to reduce the swelling of the back. About 2 cups for a half-hour bath; make sure to lie in the bath and let the body relaxed. It is also good for the mind and will take all the pressure accumulated during the day.
You can also use ginger root, it has anti-inflammation properties and will do wonders in relieving back pain. Simply slice the ginger root into small pieces and add to boiling water. Let it simmer and keep the water covered. Strain the water put some honey and drink it slowly.
Apply cold compresses to the affected area of the back. That will reduce the inflammation and numb the pain. Put some crushed ice cubes in a plastic bag and placed them into a towel and that will do the trick. Apply for 15 minutes wait 30 minutes then repeat.
You can also try a hot compress to relieve the pain. It relaxes the muscles and increases blood flow to the area. You can simply take a bath in warm water as well.
A good massage is also a good choice for lower back pain sufferers. Make sure to get the massage from a qualified practitioner who deals with lower back problems.
Something that is quite obvious sometimes needs repeating. If you are a sufferer of chronic back pain, you should avoid lifting any kind of heavy objects and also avoid putting too much pressure on the lower back area. Good posture is of the utmost importance; therefore sitting in a sturdy chair as opposed to sitting on the couch is better for your posture and will not hurt not back.
Home remedies for back pain relief
Did you know that low back pain is not necessarily a medical problem but rather a symptom of another medical condition that can be utterly devastating if it not taken care of properly? There are many ways to treat such a problem but home remedies for back pain relief are something that you can do in the comfort of your home with common items found in the kitchen.
Common Causes of back pain

The causes of back pain can be diverse. However one of the most common ones is the result of how the spine goes through movements. Certain conditions can lead to complications in spinal movement. Conditions such as degeneration of the discs including tension in the back muscles and even herniated or bulging discs will cause back pain. People who have suffered a back injury will likely experience chronic back pain as well. The back pain may last a short time or can also be long-term and in certain cases can affect the individual for the rest of their life.
Some diseases and other medical conditions can be conducive to back problems as well. People suffering from arthritis, spinal stenosis, scoliosis and other kinds of deformities are very much at risk of developing pain in some areas of the back.
If you have back pain and have not been diagnosed with one of the conditions above, it is very important that you speak with your medical doctor about your condition so that he/she can look deeper into the situation to try and find the cause of your back pain. You can also look into the topic ‘how to cure back pain fast at home’.
How to cure back pain fast at home
If you don’t have access to free medical insurance, with the high cost of medical treatments, it can be in your best interest to seek home remedies for back pain relief. Some remedies may work for some people and not others. That’s why it is important to find out what works for you to remove the back pain discomfort and stick to what works.
Heat and cold relief in combination can be an effective treatment for back pain. The use of hot packs can maximize the amount of oxygen that is carried out through the bloodstream and help reduce muscle spasms that some people may face. As for the cold packs, it reduces swelling and pain in general in the area of the lower back. The secret in all that is to rotate the heat and the cold in the area that is most painful. You can do the rotation every fifteen minutes until you get some relief.
Stretches for lower back pain
One thing to keep in mind is that exercise will play a major role in the treatment of your back pain. The right kind of exercises should be used as the wrong type will worsen the condition and may even make the condition worse. A specialist would be able to assist you in coming up with the most beneficial exercises for your back pain.
Know that stretching will go a long way in helping you in the beginning and as your condition gets better you may be able to add other types such as high-impact aerobics. You should take it easy in the beginning and work your way up. Stretches for lower back pain is something that you should do every day and make it into your daily routine.
Another thing that will be of great help for your back pain is massage. A good massage will work to soothe the tension located in the back muscles. By relieving the tension you will eliminate a lot of the associated pain in the lower back area. You can also use a simple massager that you buy in your local department store or ask a relative or a friend to give you a massage.
Remember to always seek the help of a qualified medical professional prior to embarking on any kind of treatment for your back problem. That way you’ll be sure to treat the problem and not aggravating it.
How to relieve back pain fast
Finding the cause of the pain is the way to go, however, it is not always easy to pinpoint the exact cause of the back pain since it could be complex and you may be dealing with many causes. The person who is suffering from back pain wants to have relief right away and finding the cause can come after. How to relieve back pain fast you asked?
In any case, you can certainly experience less pain by learning about Acupressure point. There is an Accupressure point in the back of your knee, midway where the crease forms where you bend the knee. The name is Bladder point #54 and when stimulated relaxes the para-spinal muscles; the muscles on each side of your spine.
For some reason, when you have back pain, these muscles become tight. To relieve back pain, use a fingertip or the knuckle of the joint and firmly press for 10-15 seconds then rub the area for another 10 seconds.
The thing with Accupressure is that you can’t get it wrong. It only takes a few seconds to eliminate back pain. However, it is highly recommended that you find the root cause of your back pain and once you know that you can target it and become pain-free. Consult a medical expert in order to find the best treatment and cause of your back pain. How to relieve back pain fast is to find the cause of the problem…find an appropriate treatment that works for you and avoid anything that can cause or aggravate the problem.
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