If you are wondering what causes bad breath even after brushing three times a day and using mouthwash, you may not be looking at the right cause. Bad breath is never pleasant. It is an embarrassing problem for anyone, let alone someone you know.
Even if you brush, floss, and use mouthwash, you can still have bad breath. Sometimes, bad breath is caused by some foods we eat, or by the way we hold our breath while breathing.
A number of possible causes for bad breath
The truth is, there are a number of possible causes for bad breath. For example, poor oral hygiene, such as poorly brushing and not flossing can cause dry mouth. Dry mouth is known to be one of the main causes of halitosis.
Dry mouth is also a cause of other dental problems, such as cavities, periodontal disease, and gum disease. Therefore, it stands to reason that cleaning your teeth and keeping your mouth clean can prevent these other problems from developing in the first place.
Another possible cause for what causes bad breath after brushing is certain types of food. Spicy food and coffee are two things we all know to cause a bad taste in the mouth.
Other types of food can make the problem worse, especially those that are acidic, such as fruits, vegetables, citrus juices, wine, pickles, onions, and garlic. These foods make the bacteria in your mouth to grow faster than normal, thereby making the stench more noticeable.
Dental appliances can cause bad breath
Certain dental appliances, such as dentures, braces, or bridges, can also cause bad breath after brushing. This is not due to any type of bacteria on the dental appliance, but to the way the bacteria were installed.
Typically, dental implants are made from a soft material that holds the tooth securely in place, while a crown is used to cover the tooth. When these dental appliances wear out, they become loose and can cause bad breath because they allow oral bacteria to build up around them.
Some people suffer from what is called “dry mouth” which is when there is not enough saliva in the mouth. Saliva is a natural cleanser of the body. It flushes out anything that is not healthy, such as the bacteria that cause bad breath.
People with dry mouth have less saliva in their mouth, making the problem even worse. The obvious solution for this is to drink more water, or use a saliva-based mouthwash.

What happens if you don’t brush your teeth regularly?
Perhaps the worst thing that can happen when you don’t brush your teeth regularly is cavities. If there is even a speck of plaque left over in your mouth it can easily develop into a cavity, which is essentially an infection.
While some types of tooth decay are preventable through brushing, if you have any cavities or even a mild one you should be brushing twice daily to try to make sure that all the food that is not cleaned away has been completely cleaned off.
How to get rid of bad breath
If you want to know what causes bad breath after brushing, you may be wondering how you can get rid of bad breath without brushing. In addition to brushing your teeth regularly, you should also practice good dental hygiene.
Visit your dentist at least once a year to ensure that you are doing a good job of brushing and cleaning. If you don’t do this, you can easily be stung by an oral infection or even gum disease.
What causes bad breath after brushing is really more of a regular routine that you need to maintain in order to keep your breath at its best. You need to make sure that you are flossing and brushing at least twice a day.
Also, try to avoid eating lots of foods that can cause a buildup of bacteria in your mouth and make your breath worse off.
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