Natural remedy to stop smoking is a way of breaking the smoking habit. Smoking, like medicines and drugs, can in fact have long term or permanent effects on your lungs and heart. In fact, over and above this, it also destroys your health gradually.
Quit smoking is the best thing that can happen to you
But there is no doubt that quitting smoking is the best thing that could happen to you as a human being. This article will help you understand why natural remedy to stop smoking is better than all the other methods you could try.
Smoking is a habit that has developed over the years. You may have started smoking at an early age and continued with it for the rest of your life. Even after all these years, the cravings remain.
And they increase in severity if you do not do anything about it. In such a scenario, if you want to break this habit, the natural remedy to stop smoking is undoubtedly the best option.
Natural ways to quit smoking cold turkey
Natural ways to quit smoking cold turkey is just to decide that next Monday for example, you’ll stop smoking. In the meantime, you’ll enjoy the few days that you have left to smoke. Now comes Monday, no excuses, no fuss, you just stop smoking no matter what.
Over a period of time, the smokers will begin to feel the nicotine withdrawal symptoms. The most common one is the headache. But there can be many other problems such as the soreness of fingers and arms, depression, irritability, poor memory and concentration, insomnia, dizziness, constipation, food cravings, mood swings, etc.
You hang on and show the beast who is boss and eventually all the cravings will subside and you are free again from smoking. Free again to live your live fully without any harmful substance.
Natural remedy to stop smoking may involve the usage of different methods and products. Some of the most popular products include chewing gums, nicotine patches, lozenges, sprays, lozenges, mints, fruit juices, honey and also passion flower.
Chewing gums is the most effective remedy for this condition. They help in the reduction of the nicotine levels in the body. Nicotine patches are there for this purpose.
How to stop smoking immediately
To stop smoking immediately is a planned scenario that you know for sure will happen in a distance future. You are so sure that when that day comes, you’ll feel free like a bird, not slave to something that you should control but instead is controlling you.
When that day finally comes, you are so convinced that it is the best thing to do for your health, for your family then boom you quit smoking, you stop. That is how to stop smoking immediately.

Another natural remedy to stop smoking is the baking powder. You can add some baking powder to your favorite cream and make it into a paste. This can then be applied on the outside of the tongue as a brushing to decrease the effects of nicotine withdrawal.
When the person decides to smoke again, he can sprinkle the dried baking powder on the cigarette and the person will have the sensation of smoking baking powder cigarette.
Hypnosis is another method that can be used to quit smoking. There are various ways in which hypnosis can be employed. In some of the methods, the hypnotist will use the patient’s subconscious to convince the patient that his habit of smoking is not acceptable.
In others, the hypnotist will suggest to the patient some commands that he will have to obey every time he wants to smoke. The use of hypnosis can produce quick results, but the results depend greatly on the hypnotist.
How to quit smoking easily
Another remedy to stop smoking is using a timer. The basic idea behind this is you can slowly reduce your smoking time by having a set time for smoking. In the beginning you can set the timer to, for instance a cigarette every hour if you are a mild to heavy smoker.
After a certain amount of time perhaps a week or two, you start increasing the time to two hours then three and four hours. That is the easy way to quit smoking.
According to medical journals, the timer method is a very effective aid in helping smokers to kick the habit. The basic problem with this method is that it requires the use of a strong willpower in the beginning.
By the time you are down to ONE cigarette every twelve hours then one cigarette a day then you are on your way to quit smoking. From there, you go to one cigarette a month, you can say good bye to smoking for good.
Herbal tea to stop smoking
If you wish to use a natural remedy to stop smoking, you may want to try drinking teas made from green tea leaves. These teas have properties which may help in decreasing the craving for nicotine.
If you wish to drink tea without the added sugar and calories, you may like to choose chamomile tea, which is also known to have strong anti-oxidant properties. By drinking these herbal teas, you will be able to reduce your chances of getting cancer as well as decrease the amount of time you spend on smoking.
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