There are numerous home remedies for toothaches and most of them are inexpensive. One of the more popular home remedies for toothaches is using clove oil.
This is applied directly to the painful spot where you feel the pain. You may also try this natural remedy for toothaches: dilute one teaspoonful of clove-oil with a couple of drops of water.
Home remedies for tooth infection
Another natural remedy for toothaches is oregano oil. Oregano oil, also known as Origanum vulgare oil, has antibiotic, antiseptic, antifungal and antiviral properties. It is often recommended as a natural remedy for toothaches due to its ability to soothe the painful area.
Warm the clove of oregano oil using a microwave safe container and then apply to the painful area. Oregano oil is also available in an oral rinse or oil form. If you have persistent toothaches after a couple of weeks, then you should consult your dentist.
Cloves and pods of garlic are both excellent as a home remedy for bad breath. Garlic has enzymes that can destroy the bacteria in the plaque that causes tooth decay. When you chew on a clove of garlic it releases the substance into the mouth.
This will not taste good, but it is certainly better than bad breath mints. However, if your dental health is poor, or if you are taking certain medications, it may be dangerous to use clove-oil on the painful area.
Turmeric is another natural remedy for toothaches. It has antibacterial and antiviral properties. Turmeric contains curcumin, which is a compound that has many medicinal properties.
Curcumin is a component of curry spice and is believed to help lower cholesterol. Research has indicated that turmeric has some positive effect on bacterial plaque, which may help relieve the pain associated with toothache symptoms.
Peppermint leaves are a natural remedy for toothaches. Peppermint has numerous medicinal properties, including being a powerful natural antibiotic. In addition, peppermint has antiseptic, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties.
It has been found to provide relief from pain by virtue of its effects on the autonomic nervous system. Peppermint leaves can be taken as a tea or you can make a refreshing paste out of the fresh leaves and place this on the affected area.

How to stop tooth pain fast at home
How to stop tooth pain fast at home? Another excellent remedy to consider is capsaicin. This is derived from chili peppers and has capsaicin in it. Capsaicin is what gives spicy foods their distinctive heat.
Consuming enough capsaicin will help reduce inflammation. In fact, the American Heart Association recommends two cups of hot pepper sauce per day to help reduce high blood pressure.
You may also consider using a natural remedy for toothaches such as guava leaves. Guava leaves contain anti-inflammatory and analgesic compounds. They are a good source of Vitamin A, which is an important element in combating mouth inflammations that lead to toothaches.
When you chew on the leaves, the fruit juices secretes additional anti-inflammatory compounds that can help reduce inflammation in the mouth.
Clove oil is another popular home remedy. When using a home remedy such as clove oil, make sure you only use pure, undiluted clove oil since the oil can become contaminated if it is not thoroughly purified.
Diluting the clove oil before applying it directly to the area the tooth is affected will prevent the clove-flavored oil from irritating your gums. If you are using this home remedy for a toothache, be sure to wear clean gloves so you don’t apply the clove-infused oil directly to your gums or mouth.
Peppermint tea is another natural remedy for toothaches. It is believed that peppermint tea helps reduce inflammation by relaxing the muscles in the mouth. As a result, toothaches are prevented.
Emergency toothache relief
Peppermint and capsicum (crab-pepper) seeds are also believed to be effective in treating a dental emergency pain caused by toothaches. These seeds are also used in making essential oil for treating dental emergencies.
Essential oil of peppermint has proven effectiveness in relieving dental pain caused by toothaches. To make essential oil of peppermint, extract the seeds from crushed ginger and mace and blend these seeds with water. The resulting oil is then used as a natural remedy for toothaches.
You can also apply a hot compress to aching jaw and then cover with a warm cloth. This simple method of warming the area will help relax your muscles. Hot compress is an instant remedy for pain.
The warm cloth is applied over the painful area then taken away after about five to ten minutes. You can repeat this procedure twice a day for the best result.
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