Natural remedy for prostate cancer: a Natural Remedy for Prostate Cancer Pack: The prostate gland is an important part of a man reproductive system. It is about the size of an apple and surrounds the urethra (the tube that is in the male organ). The urethra also has two tasks: to carry urine out of the body while you urinate and to hold semen during a sex orgasm, or orgasm.
When either one of these functions is impaired; problems can arise such as reduced sperm count and incidence of impotence. Then with age, the size and number of sperm decreases and with it, the chances of impotence and reduced sperm count.
Prostate tumors are made of living tissues called keratin, which is found in the body in small quantities. They need nutrients from the blood to grow and spread rapidly.
Since prostate cancer is a type of tumor, it has its share of triggers. These include environmental factors, your genetic makeup and the nutrients you consume. One of the nutrients in high levels in a healthy diet is vitamin C.
Natural remedy for prostate enlargement
Vitamin C has antioxidant properties, which is one of the reasons it is a powerful natural remedy for prostate cancer. It scavenges free radicals which are produced as a result of oxidation.
Oxidation, in medical terms, is a chemical reaction causing cells to divide uncontrollably and damage their DNA. Free radicals are said to be the cause of cellular aging. Antioxidants prevent premature aging by scavenging free radicals and repairing the DNA damage.
It is recommended that vitamin C is taken in a supplemental form because it cannot be digested alone in our systems. It must be combined with other nutrients for the best effects. Some of these nutrients are amino acids, fatty acids, alkaline water, L-carnitine and phytosterols.
All of these nutrients help support normal urinary processes, which will prevent urinary problems. Urinary problems that could occur include incontinence, frequent urination, blood in the urine, painful urination, urinating in unusual places and infections of the prostate and urinary tract.

Foods to prevent prostate cancer
Another popular alternative natural remedy for prostate cancer is herbal tea extract. There are many foods and herbal teal that one can use. Herbal tea extract is extracted from selected herbs which have been proven to have positive effects on the human body.
These include green tea, black tea and berries. You can get these herbal tea extract in capsule form or you can make a hot drink out of them. To prepare a drink, all you need is a cup of hot water, tea bag or lemon and then boil the tea leaves until they become a froth.
There are also other natural treatments that you can use for prostate cancer. One of those, as already stated is vitamin C, which is also available in citrus juices, vitamin C pills and capsules.
Vitamin C is yours orally as well. Another popular vitamin treatment remedy for prostate cancer is Echinacea. Echinacea is an effective immune system booster and can improve your immunity against the disease.
How to prevent prostate cancer naturally
Another herbal treatment is zinc. Zinc supplements are usually recommended for those who are diagnosed with pre-cancerous conditions of the prostate. One tablet of zinc per day can improve the quality of your overall health.
How to prevent prostate cancer naturally? Another herbal treatment that has been used for centuries is milk thistle. Milk thistle can help lower the levels of the testosterone hormone in your body and has been proven to be beneficial in reducing and even eliminating the symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome.
It is important to get enough vitamin C. This powerful antioxidant can protect you from prostate cancer and a host of other diseases and problems. It can also improve your overall physical health and ward off many age-related illnesses.
It is not difficult to get vitamin C. You can either buy it in tablet form or drink it in its purest form – the juice. It is best to consume it raw and unsweetened. If you are not sure how to find a good health store near your residence, ask for some recommendations from your friends or your family members.
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