Do you know how to find a natural remedy for cold sores? If you suffer with this painful skin condition, you may well be looking frantically for an effective way to treat it.
Many people who suffer with these cold sores fail to realize the simple fact that herpes comes from a virus and therefore cannot be cured by the topical application of ointments or creams.
The virus is carried by the skins’ surface as well as in the genital area. Therefore, if you want to get rid of the painful blister, you will need to get rid of the herpes virus.
Best cold sore treatment
There are a number of cold sore herbs that can help you to cure your outbreak and prevent future outbreaks. The herbs to treat them include, gotu kola, echinea, calcarea carbonica and damiana. Gotu kola is available topically and contains a chemical compound that has been shown to have antiviral properties.
In addition, it can prevent the formation of lesions and promote the growth of healthy skin cells. Gotu kola also contains essential fatty acids and is therefore beneficial for the heart and circulatory system.
Echinea is another homeopathic remedy to treat speed healing and reduce discomfort. It works by exposing the skin to an airborne irritant such as an animal dander or dust. This causes a reaction in the mucous membrane causing it to produce more fluids to fight the irritation. Some of the symptoms of herpes include fever, pain and swelling of the lymph nodes. You can take this herb in tablet form or in tea form.
Calcarea carbonica or hydrangea is a powerful antiseptic. It is therefore particularly effective when used topically to speed healing and reduce inflammation. This natural remedy for cold sores contains enzymes and vitamins that help to break down infected tissues in the skin.
It has been shown to improve the immune system and fight off the herpes virus. A tea can be taken once or twice a day and helps to soothe the lips and ease the pain associated with the sore.
Vitamin E and effective remedy for cold sores
The vitamins in vitamin e form the basis of an effective home remedy for cold sores. Vitamin e is found naturally in many foods including apples, oranges, wheat germ, nuts, spinach, legumes, dairy products, fish oil, and seeds. It has been shown to reduce the size of the herpes virus during an outbreak, and to increase the amount of time it takes to heal.
Herbal remedies are a great alternative to store bought medications and pharmaceuticals. There are a variety of them on the market today. Most contain herbs that strengthen the immune system. The herpes virus thrives in a weakened immune system so boosting your immune system is a sure way to stop outbreaks from occurring. A natural remedy for cold sores is a good way to boost the immune system and fight off this disease.

Rubbing ice around the blisters will reduce pain and stop the herpes virus from spreading. Covering the blisters with an ice pack several times a day will also reduce the size of the blisters. If blisters do not heal within a few weeks you should get a prescription medication from a doctor.
These are just a few of the natural remedies that people have successfully used to treat their cold sores. Each person is different and will heal at their own rate. No one treatment works for all people the same. A doctor should be there before beginning any treatment program. If you do decide to use these remedies found here, you should let your doctor know about your experience so that you will be on the best treatment course for you.
How to get rid of a cold sore in 24 hours
Learning how to get rid of a cold sore in 24 hours is not difficult. However, it does require that you understand how to recognize the symptoms of a cold sore outbreak, what the virus actually is and how to treat these painful sores. Most people that have herpes simplex virus do not know they have this condition, so it is easy to mistake a simple facial rash or minor itching as a cold sore, which is not correct.
The first step in learning how to get rid of a cold sore in 24 hours is to identify the different types of blisters present. There are two types of blisters: active and inactive. Active cold sores blisters tend to be red and tender while inactive cold sores blisters tend to be dry and whitish in color.
The next step to learn how to get rid of a cold sore in 24 hours is to take note of the healing time between each outbreak. As you probably know, healing time varies from person to person depending on their individual immune system.
Knowing the amount of time from outbreak to outbreak is important because this will help you determine how to treat each outbreak of blisters. It is important to remember that some outbreaks can last up to three weeks. If your cold sore healing time seems to be very long, you may want to consider visiting a doctor to see if there is something else going on with your body.
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