When it comes to cold sores and home remedies, there are many out there. Many people try the over the counter drugs that the pharmacy has to offer and may not be effective. The main problem with these pharmaceutical medicines is that they contain the same ingredients that can cause a flare up or cause the cold sores to spread. Cold sores home remedies have been successful in the past and will continue to help in the future.
Home remedy for cold sores
A great example of a home remedy for cold sores is lime. Using this natural remedy when a cold sore appears can make the cold sore go away more quickly because of the increased acidity level. If you decide to use lime you should drink two or three glasses of lime juice per day and then apply the juice to the area of the cold sore where the blister appears.
Another popular cold sore remedy is milk thistle. This plant contains an enzyme that prevents the production of the virus that causes cold sores. If you find that you are prone to cold sores, then consider taking two or three tablets of milk thistle each day. You can find this plant at any health food store or supplement outlet. As with lime, you should drink plenty of water after you ingest the tablets to make sure that they are effective.
Another popular home remedy for cold sores is lemon balm. This herbal remedy has an acidic taste with an antiseptic effect. In addition, lemon balm can help to reduce fever and can also help to soothe the pain associated with a cold sore. You can find lemon balm in most drug stores and pharmacies and should consume a couple of tablets every day.
The benefits of peppermint tea is well-documented. You can steep some peppermint tea in hot water for a hot soothing cup of tea. Then, apply the hot peppermint tea to your blistered skin for immediate relief from the discomfort associated with cold sores.
You can also use this tea as a mouthwash to relieve any pain or irritation you may be feeling. Make sure that you are using the natural flavor of peppermint rather than the extract made from peppermint. The extract tends to have a stronger flavor and it will eventually turn out to be bitter.

Garlic as an anti-viral for cold sores
Garlic is well known to be anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory. You can take a few cloves of garlic daily and you can reap the benefits of these properties. Add fresh garlic to your diet as you would vegetables. It is also possible to buy garlic supplements. Many people believe that garlic can help to ease the symptoms associated with cold sores.
Hot peppers can also be used to treat cold sore outbreaks. When using hot peppers to treat cold sores, you must be very careful not to burn your skin. Pepper is usually ground and mixed with alcohol in order to make it an antiseptic agent. Then place this substance topically on the sores. As you can imagine, this burns sensation can cause burning and if you don’t keep lid on the bottle, you could damage the tissue inside your mouth.
You can also apply natural home remedies for cold sores using essential oils. Tea tree oil is one of the most popular oils to treat this condition. When using this oil, you should dilute it first and then apply it topically.
Essential oils are very potent and they can cause you some unwanted side effects if you are taking large doses. If you want to be on the safe side, start by dabbing a few drops on the area where you feel the tingling sensation. If you don’t want to take the risk, then use the diluted oil.
How long does it take for cold sores to go away?
How long does it take for cold sore to disappear is a question that has been bothering many people all over the world. If you are someone who suffers from this condition, then you would definitely be interested in finding out how long does it take for cold sore to go away.
This question asked by almost all people around the world and the answer they gave was “it will take around two weeks”. So that was the news as far as how long does it take for a cold sore to go away was concerned. Then the next question that came up was “how long does it take for cold sores to appear?”
After doing some research, I found that the actual answer to the question “how long does it take for a cold sore to go away” was not really very long. You see, there are some factors which cause these nasty skin disorders and these factors take a lot of time before they go away completely.
Things to avoid for cold sores to go away quicker
So if you want to know how long does it take for a cold sore to disappear completely, then you should just stay away from those factors that causes these disorders. These are things like stress, depression, smoking, alcohol etc.
So if you want to know the answer to the question how long does it take for a cold sore to go away, then you should try to avoid these factors. But if you are still wondering how long does it take for a cold sore to go away after suffering from one, then you may want to read this article.
Here, you will learn about the factors that causes cold sores to appear and how you can easily get rid of them. You will also learn about the natural methods which work faster than any other treatment method.
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