Are you curious as to how to open closed hair follicles? If so, then this is going to be the right article for you. It is really very important that you know how to open follicles if you want to get rid of thinning hair and receding hairlines. There are different ways in which you can accomplish this task. In this article, I will outline two of these ways.
Home remedies for clogged hair follicles
One way to open up damaged hair follicles would be to use natural ingredients such as aloe vera and zinc. These are substances that you may already have in your home.
The home remedies for clogged hair follicles are all around us. For example, Aloe Vera is a great remedy for sunburns. Zinc is a great mineral to help thicken thinning hair or keep it looking its best. In fact, you might have some in your home already.
The other way to do this is to use commercial products that contain chemicals. You may find that some commercial shampoo products, conditioners, and other styling products contain chemical agents that can be damaging to hair follicles. The keyword here is “could be”.
If you read any consumer report about shampoo products, you would think that all of them would be good for your hair. But this is not true. The truth is that only about 5% of them actually work. The rest contain harmful chemicals that strip your hair out over time.
Damaged hair follicles symptoms
Damaged hair follicles symptoms can be seen as:
- Skin is irritated and painful.
- Skin is swollen.
- You may see bumps or pimples developing on the skin.
- Blisters with crust developing around skin follicles.
When you are researching how to open closed hair follicles, you will find that you can use natural ingredients for the best results. It is not as complicated as you might think.
For example, tea tree oil is often used to help hair regain its strength and volume. Just make sure that you buy the purest form. This type will be more effective.
Another ingredient that you need to look for is jojoba. It has the ability to penetrate the cuticle of the hair. This allows it to get to the root of the problem. jojoba also helps keep the hair moisturized.
It can also stimulate blood circulation and increase the flow of nutrients to the roots of the hair follicles. This is a great way to restore the hair to its natural state.

How to reopen hair follicles
So, how to reopen hair follicles? The simplest way is to massage the scalp using your fingertips in a very gentle manner. Use your fingertips to massage the oil from your fingertips into the roots of the hair.
Let the oil sit on the hair for a few minutes then wash it out with warm water. The heat from the water will open up the clogged pores on the scalp and allow the oil to get down to the roots of the hair.
The next step on how to reopen hair follicles is to use apple cider vinegar. Take some apple cider vinegar and put it in a spray bottle. Now all you have to do is spray the area with the vinegar and leave it on overnight.
You should repeat this process every night until the hair starts to grow. This is a great way to get the growth back in the area.
Using hair scissors or a pair of pliers you can open the cuticle around the root of the hair. Plucking the skin between the cuticle and the hair shaft can help to pull the hair out of the follicles. However, this is a very painful procedure that you should only try if you are sure that there is no need for it.
The pain and discomfort associated with it are enough to deter most people. If you really want to get rid of the problem, then by all means make an appointment with a dermatologist.
How to unclog hair follicles
The last method on how to unclog hair follicles is to use a medicated cream. Many times when you apply these creams the hair will start to grow again. These creams work by increasing the blood flow to the scalp.
This increase in blood flow will allow the hair to have room to grow back. The best-medicated cream is called Minoxidil. You can find it at any drug store or beauty supply store.
The final step on how to unclog hair follicles is to try to shave off the dead tissue. By doing this you will be allowing new hair to grow and the follicles will be free to open up and expand.
Shaving off dead hair near the scalp can be a very effective method. However, if your follicles have been damaged beyond repair, then you may have to resort to more drastic methods.
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