If you are worried about a stinky gas problem and are not sure what to do, consider trying a home remedy for bad smelling gas first. There are many natural home remedies that are safe and effective for people who have gas or bloating issues.
Peppermint is a good home remedy for bad smelling gas. The good news is there are many things that you can do, and most are just as easy as modifying the kinds of food that you eat and the way that you eat them.
Smelly flatulence causes and cures
While most foul-smelling gas is nothing serious, if you experience persistent, heavy, festering gas and excessive bloating or other symptoms, then probably food sensitivities are the culprit and should be dealt with accordingly. Food sensitivities to certain foods can cause gas or even cause the need for a home remedy for bad smelling gas.
Some examples of common culprits are caffeine, onions, garlic and spicy foods like curry, chili or red pepper flakes. A home remedy for bad smelling gas can also be traced to poor eating habits. People often put off eating a meal because they are worried about it starting to smell or they are worried that they are going to get heartburn.
Bad smelling gas also called farts
Another home remedy for bad smelling gas also called farts. Farts are actually a very common digestive system problem that is usually easily resolved by making some changes to your diet and lifestyle. Farts are caused when the muscles inside the stomach are stimulated too much, causing a gas type effect to occur.
In order to treat farts effectively, you first have to determine the causes of your gas problem. If you are able to pinpoint exactly what food or combination of foods triggered the problem, then eliminating those specific foods from your diet will go a long way to resolving your farts.
However, for many people gas cannot be avoided due to factors like obesity and a large intestine which do not allow natural gas to move properly through the digestive tract.
One home remedy for flatulence is to use Cayenne pepper powder mixed with warm water. This powder is said to help relieve and eliminate flatulence because it creates a spicier stench.
In addition to using Cayenne pepper, peppermint tea is another alternative. Drinking tea is said to produce better results when compared to plain, commercialized peppermint tea.

Medication for smelly gas
You may not need medication for smelly gas, as long as you are ready to consider home remedies. There are also a number of different home remedies for flatulence, which include using ginger, cardamom seeds, fennel seeds, cloves, anise seeds and others.
All these herbs are said to eliminate and reduce the symptoms of smelly farts. However, one must remember that the exact mixture of ingredients and their concentrations can vary depending on the individual’s body chemistry as well as allergies and the severity of the problem.
Another home remedy for flatulence is making changes in the way you eat. Avoid foods that are high in fat and sugar as they contribute to excess gas production. You should instead focus on eating more fresh fruits and vegetables and cut down on fatty foods and processed foods.
It is also suggested that if you suffer from chronic stomach bloating, then you should also avoid eating spicy foods, fried foods, cheese and alcohol. Although there isn’t much scientific research backing this, many people have reported losing weight by switching to this healthier diet.
How to prevent and treat symptoms of foul-smelling gas
If you want to prevent or at least treat symptoms of foul-smelling gas, then you will have to change your eating habits. You should try to avoid overeating or overindulging yourself as it increases the production of intestinal gas.
You should also avoid consuming large amounts of calories as this could cause a re-flux to occur. In addition to this, it is important that you avoid eating foods that contain a large amount of starch and this includes breads, sweets and pasta.
Home remedies for flatulence depend on which ones can help you overcome the problems associated with the bad odor. The important thing to remember here is that not all of these remedies work for everyone. Only those who have persistent problems with smelly gas will benefit from them.
If you don’t find any relief after a while, then you may need to consult your doctor about a more comprehensive treatment plan for flatulence and digestive problems.
However, for immediate relief from the symptoms of flatulence, you can try out some of the more common foods and drinks home remedy for bad smelling gas.
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