Home remedies for tooth infections are not just any thing you can find in your kitchen. These remedies have been in use since ancient times as remedy for various ailments, and most of them still work very well today. Here is how you can remedy an infection with home remedies.
Ingredients to relieve a tooth infection
You will need: salt, garlic, apple cider vinegar, clove oil, thyme oil, peppermint oil, white peony, white mulberry, Chinese dragon flower, hibiscus flower and cotton balls to help your body to cure your toothache. You don’t need to have all of these items; only one or two will suffice.
All these items can be bought at any store selling grocery or health food products. The ones that have been previously mentioned can be prepared by you as well but it is best to have them already on hand.
What is the best natural antibiotic for tooth infection?
Let us get started with the home remedies for toothache. To start with, salt is known to be one of the best home remedies for toothaches due to the fact that salt can help stop bacterial growth. What is the best natural antibiotic for tooth infection? Just soak the infected area in warm salt water and then rinse it with clean water after about 15 minutes.
Another home remedy for tooth aches is garlic. According to some experts, garlic is effective especially when used with other anti-bacterial herbs. Garlic, which has antiseptic properties, can get rid of bacteria in a jiffy. By applying garlic on a toothache, it will relieve the pain and the infections caused by them.
On the other hand, another remedy for tooth infections is clove oil. Clove oil has ingredients that can fight tooth abscesses and inflammation. It is known to fight bacteria, viruses and fungi.
Also by using thyme oil mixed with a bit of water, you can take a spoon full of the mixture and apply it to the infected tooth. It will help relieve inflammation and toothaches caused by this type of infection.

How to get rid of a tooth infection without antibiotics
Preppers are people who are extra careful with what they eat and how they prepare it. They keep away from food that is likely to cause an infection. They also use essential oils and teas to cure toothaches. Examples of teas that are used by preppers are white peony, white mulberry, Chinese dragon flower and hibiscus flower.
How to get rid of a tooth infection without antibiotics? These teas are considered very effective in healing a toothache because they are strong antiseptic and antibacterial. This is why preppers are choosing these herbs to be their home remedies for toothaches and they don’t need to use antibiotics.
Meanwhile, another home remedy for tooth infections is peppermint oil pulling. Peppermint oil pulling is done by applying hot oil pulled out of peppermint leaves and massaging the affected area to alleviate the pain.
It is very effective but it must be done with care since too much of it can be harmful to the gums. Before using peppermint oil pulling, it is important to make sure that the affected area is dry and there is no inflammation present on the area before applying it.
How to get rid of a tooth abscess without going to the dentist?
You may be able to get some relief from the abscess without going to the dentist at first, but eventually it would be well advised to see your dentist for proper treatment and to make sure that it is not getting worse. One of the most famous home remedies for tooth infections is the use of raw garlic. You can do this yourself at home.
There are different ways on how to do this depending on your preference. Some use garlic paste while others use a raw garlic clove. All you need is a clean piece of garlic, a clean cloth or gauze and oil to apply it onto the affected area.
Another effective home remedy for tooth infections is apple cider vinegar and garlic. This is perhaps one of the easiest remedy to use since all you have to do is to mix the solution (apple cider vinegar and garlic) together.
The solution is then applied on the infected tooth using a cotton ball or swab. If you are going to make this as your only toothpaste home remedy, you should be extra careful not to let any amount of vinegar or garlic remain on your gums or teeth for too long as this might cause staining.
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