Are you searching for a home remedy for tooth decay pain? We all know that dentist is the best person to consult when you have a tooth ache or any oral problems. But did you know that you can also get a home remedy for tooth decay? Why would you want to go to the dentist, but not to an herbalist?
How to stop tooth pain fast
First of all, let me give you a brief explanation about the concept of home remedies for tooth decay and oral health. In general, home remedies are natural treatments that we can do at our home without involving chemicals.
How to stop tooth pain fast? You can try using turmeric, garlic, ginger, olive leaf extract, peppermint, strawberries, milk and many other items. Each one of them has a different effect on tooth enamel and will be able to provide a home remedy for tooth pain.
Tooth decay is caused by bacteria that produce sulfur and other toxins that irritate and destroy the protective coating of your teeth called enamel. Enamel is the outer layer of your tooth, which protects the inner tooth at the end of the root canal.
Without protection, your tooth will likely be damaged permanently. Bacteria can easily enter your mouth without you noticing it. This can cause cavities, which can be very painful.
There are several home remedies for tooth decay pain that can be tried by you at home. One of the best ones is to cover your mouth with an ice pack before brushing your teeth.
The ice will reduce some of the swelling and at the same time it will help to keep your mouth clean and free from bacteria. It will also help to get rid of the excess acid that can lead to the decay.

How to stop tooth pain fast at home
How to stop tooth pain fast at home? Another home remedy for toothache is to drink a cup or two of hot lemon juice mixed with a teaspoonful of salt. After that, apply this mixture to the affected area and leave it there for a few minutes.
This is a great home remedy because it is acidic and will cause the toothache to subside. You may find that this will help to instantly get rid of the toothache. However, it is very important that you brush your teeth with good oral hygiene after applying this mixture so as not to let the acid weaken your tooth enamel further.
There are several other home remedies that you can try to ease toothache. One of them is to apply equal parts hydrogen peroxide and salt. This remedy is great because it is not only an antiseptic but it is also a natural antibiotic that will help to fight tooth decay.
Hydrogen peroxide is also very effective in killing germs that can cause infection. Soaking cotton balls in hydrogen peroxide for 20 minutes before placing them on your tooth can help you get rid of your toothache in no time.
Another home remedy that you can use is lemon balm. This is a popular herbal remedy that many people have had great success with. The reason why this is a great home remedy is because it not only contains great antibacterial properties but it also has analgesic properties which will also relieve the pain you feel from your toothache.
To prepare this remedy, all you need is ground up fresh lemon balm and a small pinch of Cayenne pepper. After using this mixture for a few weeks, you should notice an almost immediate reduction in the amount of pain you are feeling.
Home remedy for tooth decay
These are some of the home remedies that you can use to relieve your toothache and tooth decay. Although there are other things that you can do to prevent tooth decay such as brushing your teeth regularly and flossing, if you do not treat these symptoms right away, they may get worse and cause a bigger toothache.
So if you want to find a quick toothache relief, you can try using one or more of these home remedies. Just remember to talk to your doctor first to make sure that these remedies are safe for you to use.
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