There are many home remedies for eye irritation, and they all work quite well. Chamomile eyewash, for instance, is a great way to soothe red and itchy eyes. It can help treat keratitis, an inflammation of the cornea. It should be applied three to four times daily, and can be used for as long as necessary until the infection has cleared up.
This is a common symptom, but it’s not always a symptom of an eye problem. In most cases, the causes of irritated eyes are due to fatigue, usually caused by hours of computer use.
How to cure eye infection in 24 hours
Using salt water, or saline, is one way to treat the problem and one of the most effective home remedies for eye infections. Salt solution is similar to teardrops, which is in a way how your eyes naturally cleanse itself. Salt do possess antimicrobial properties.
Another home remedy for eye irritation involves placing ice cubes on the eyelids. The ice can reduce the swelling and inflammation. However, it is important to remember that ice should not be placed on the eye.
Cucumbers are one of the most popular remedies for irritated eyes. Simply place a slice of cucumber in a glass of icy water and place it over the affected area for 10 minutes. This will provide immediate relief for the sore eye.
One of the most effective natural home remedies for eye irritation is water. Rinsing with water relieves the discomfort in the eye… while the cooling effect of the cool water reduce the swelling and itchiness close your eyes and visualize something nice and comforting.
While the ice will temporarily reduce the swelling and inflammation of the eye, you should avoid placing ice on the eye. If ice is too painful, you may want to consult a professional eye care provider. Not all irritations can be treated with home remedies alone, and some will require medical attention.
Home remedies for eye infection
Eye infections will necessitate an antiviral medication, such as acyclovir (Zovirax), an eye drops, topical ointments, or oral medications. You may have to brush off the cornea with cotton to get rid of the infected cells.
If the infection spreads further into the eye (the stroma) you will need some corticosteroid eye drops to relieve the inflammation.
Another effective home remedy for eye irritation is cucumber. The juice from cucumbers contains powerful antioxidants and flavonoids. While resting your eyes is also a great home remedy, it is important to drink plenty of water to keep your eyes moist and soothed.
In addition, placing ice cubes over your eyes is a great way to soothe irritated eyes. As mentioned above, this can be incorporated into your regular routine.
Adding ice to the eye can relieve the discomfort caused by eye irritation. Just be sure to keep the ice cubes away from your eyes. Using a cool metal spoon can also help reduce redness and swelling… If you’re not able to do this, you can also prepare a saline solution at home. Just make sure to sanitize containers and utensils before using the solution.

Home remedies for swollen eye
Put a soak a towel or washcloth in cold water or refrigerate a damp cloth or eye pillow for a while. Then lie down placing the compress across your eyes and let the coolness reduce the swollen eyelids.
In addition to applying ice to your eyes, a cucumber is also an effective remedy for eye irritation. A slice of cucumber can be placed on the eyelids for ten minutes to soothe the discomfort. It’s recommended that you drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, but you might have to experiment to find what works best for you.
If your eyes are particularly sensitive to the cold, placing a piece of cucumber in a bowl of ice water can help.
Using aloe vera juice is another good home remedy for eye irritation. Soak a cotton ball in the juice and place it on your eyes for a few minutes. The cold compress can also help soothe red and dry eyes.
After 20 minutes, it’s time to apply a cool compress to your eyes to get relief from eye inflammation. Once the cotton ball is cool, you can use it as an alternative medicine for the discomfort.
Using cold compress for itchy eyes
Using a cold compress on the eye can relieve the swelling and itching caused by eye irritation. You can wrap an ice pack or ice cube in a clean cotton towel and apply the ice directly to the eyes.
This can also relieve the pain associated with an eye disease. If you can’t find a solution that works for you, try applying a cold compress. If it doesn’t work, you can use a saline solution from your medicine cabinet.
For the symptoms of eye irritation, you can try applying ice. It will help reduce inflammation and itchiness. If you’re not able to apply the cold compress, you can also use a cold compress. If this doesn’t work, you can also try applying chamomile tea to the affected area.
This will help relieve the irritation and itching in your eyes. If you don’t like the idea of applying the paste, you can try a few other natural remedies for eye irritation.
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