Are you looking for the best way to get rid of heartburn when pregnant? Heartburn is a very common condition, but it can become quite complicated during pregnancy. You are more likely to experience heartburn during the second trimester than in the first trimester, because of the increased fluid levels in your stomach.
The muscle at the top of the stomach called the esophagus does not enlarge as it normally would during other stages of your pregnancy. As a result, the stomach acids back up into the esophagus and cause a painful burning sensation that you know you can’t tolerate.
Food to stay away to avoid heartburn when pregnant
One of the best ways to get rid of heartburn when pregnant is to simply stay away from foods that trigger heartburn, such as fatty or spicy foods, chocolate, fried foods, mints, or citrus juices.
Stay away from coffee and caffeinated beverages as well. Caffeine can act like a flare-up reliever and make things worse if you are already having a bad day.
Another thing you can do to help ease heartburn is to change your eating habits. Try limiting the number of calories you eat, especially the ones that come from sodas, soft drinks, and other high-calorie drinks.
If you are used to frequent meals and snacks during the day, try introducing healthy snacks into your diet, such as fruit. Vegetables are also excellent snacks that contain a low amount of calories and natural nutrients that are good for your baby.
It’s important to drink plenty of water when you are pregnant to help keep your body properly hydrated. Water helps dilute stomach acids and prevent them from building up in your esophagus. It also helps wash away leftover food particles and any excess acids in your stomach that can lead to heartburn. Drinking plenty of water can help you avoid heartburn altogether.
When does heartburn start in pregnancy?
If you are anxious and want to know when the heartburn starts in pregnancy then, for some women, heartburn starts during the first trimester, starting around the second month.
The symptoms may alleviate somewhat during the whole pregnancy but in general, they tend to last throughout the whole nine months of pregnancy.

It’s best to get plenty of sleep during your pregnancy. Lack of sleep can also lead to indigestion and acid reflux. Try to get 8 hours of sleep every night and follow a similar sleep schedule to stay on an even keel throughout your pregnancy. The best way to get rid of heartburn when pregnant is to take a rest every few days and drink plenty of water to avoid indigestion.
Smoking is an uncomfortable fact for many people. However, it can also cause heartburn during pregnancy. Smoking can relax your throat muscles, which can put pressure on your esophagus and cause acid reflux. Smoking can also worsen heartburn symptoms because it can worsen existing acid reflux and create new problems. If you smoke, quit while you are pregnant.
Lots of heartburn during pregnancy meaning…
If you are getting lots of heartburn during your pregnancy it could be about your choice of food. Another way to get rid of heartburn when pregnant is by not eating spicy foods at all. Spicy food can irritate your stomach and lead to indigestion.
The best way to get rid of heartburn is to eat a balanced diet with mild to moderate spicy dishes. Avoid eating fried foods as well. It might seem like a good idea but you will be doing your baby and yourself a favor by staying away from spicy foods.
Eating a lot of fruits can help relieve heartburn. It’s best to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables per day to stay healthy and get rid of heartburn. Vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and carrots can be consumed easily and provide your body with lots of vitamins and minerals.
Fruits like oranges, bananas, apples, and pineapple can provide you with extra amounts of important vitamins and minerals. You just have to make sure that your diet contains the right amount of vitamins and minerals for pregnant women to help minimize symptoms of indigestion.
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