Home remedy for irritable bowel syndrome. Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is a common disorder among the American adult population. It is estimated that one to two million adults in the United States have IBS, and this number is growing each year. Irritable bowel syndrome is not a disease, but it is an uncomfortable medical condition. If you are looking for a good home remedy for irritable bowel syndrome, then this is it.
It can have a profound effect on quality of life, as well as a person’s ability to function within society. Fortunately, there are natural remedies for irritable bowel syndrome that can effectively manage and even cure the symptoms of IBS.
Controlling the symptoms of IBS
One of the most frustrating aspects of IBS is the inability to control the symptoms. Often, when a person has an IBS episode, they are unable to eliminate certain foods from their diet, such as caffeine or spicy foods. When these are eliminated, the person finds themselves experiencing a diarrhea episode, as well as abdominal pain and cramping.
Although some people do not experience diarrhea with IBS, many do experience watery stools, which can be painful to have. When diet is restricted in this manner, the person may find that their symptoms worsen over time, as opposed to a simple change in diet.
The good news is that there are several home remedies for irritable bowel that can be used in conjunction with a proper diet. These include using laxatives to help strengthen the intestinal lining, drinking water, and using certain spices, like black pepper, to help reduce the symptoms.
The first step to treating irritable bowel is to strengthen the intestinal lining by following a diet that is high in fiber. This includes drinking eight glasses of water each day, taking fiber in the form of fruits and vegetables, or taking a high-fiber diet that doesn’t include any food that is not high in fiber.

A diet high in fiber for IBS
When choosing a diet that is high in fiber, it is important to choose one that does not include any legumes, which can be difficult for people with IBS. Instead, focus on foods that are high in both folate and potassium, such as bananas, apples, carrots, spinach, and other leafy greens.
Another dietary change to try is eating more garlic, which contains sulfur. Some people report that they begin to feel less sluggish after taking garlic capsules daily. However, always check with your doctor before adding any dietary supplement to your diet.
There are several herbs that have been used for centuries to treat IBS. They include: ginger, slippery elm, and senna. In some countries, these herbs are still in usage in home remedies for IBS. In the United States, they are most often found in teas or capsules.
Sometimes there is no way to completely ease the symptoms of IBS. In this case, it is important to make lifestyle changes that will make life easier for you. For example, there were reports that pregnant women who drink a cup of hot beverage just before bedtime tend to exhibit more restful sleep than do those who do not drink anything near bedtime.
This may sound like common sense, but it is a proven fact that caffeine can make you more jumpy, which can lead to discomfort during the night. The same theory holds true when applying heat to your stomach just before bedtime.
Home remedies for irritable bowel syndrome
In addition to making lifestyle changes, you may want to consider using one or more of the home remedies for IBS that are based on well-known natural ingredients. For example, milk of magnesia is the recommendation for helping to soothe the stomach and calm the intestines.
You can either purchase a capsule form of this milk of magnesia or boil the milk of magnesia in a cup of warm water and drink the mixture. Another effective treatment for IBS is brewed green tea. Drinking a cup or two of the beverage each day help to reduce symptoms, although it is not recommended that you drink the beverage before meals.
Many people who suffer from IBS also swear by using a colon cleanser. When looking for a good colon cleanser for use as a home remedy for IBS, be sure to find a product that is made from natural ingredients, such as fiber.
It is also a good idea to try to avoid foods that are hard to digest, such as beans and nuts. Some of these foods may also trigger symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, so it may be necessary to eliminate them from your diet.
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